A downloadable game

This First Person Shooter is a 2-week college project created to learn the industry concepts of implementing and iterating new mechanics into a preexisting barebones product.

The other half of this month was used to develop a Platformer using the same concepts.


JMRedd_FPS.zip 841 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download the game: Look for the download button on the game's page. It's usually prominent and labeled as "Download" or something similar. Click on it to start the download process.
  2. Wait for the download to complete: Depending on the size of the game and your internet connection speed, this might take some time.
  3. Locate the downloaded file: Once the download is complete, navigate to the folder where your browser saves downloaded files. By default, it's often the "Downloads" folder.
  4. Extract the files (if necessary): The downloaded file might be in a compressed format like .zip or .rar. If so, you'll need to extract it. Right-click on the downloaded file and select "Extract" or use a file compression program like WinRAR or 7-Zip to extract the files.
  5. Navigate to the extracted folder: Open the extracted folder to locate the executable file. It might be named something like "GameName.exe" or similar, depending on the game.
  6. Double-click the executable: Double-click on the executable file to launch the game.
  7. Play and enjoy! :)